Monday, December 31, 2007

FLIP ! its the last day of the year .

yea it is .

last day .


so what ?

life goes on :D


i never regarded that change of digit(s) in the year number as a
huge event .

a new year , it just means that its time to buy a new flippin calender !

thats ALL !

no point doing a flippin massive fat butted over commercialized over the top over expensive
over ridiculous pregnant

for it .

think about it . MAN created the year annotation ,
TIME & LIFE still moves on without it :D

and hey , i aint being pessimistic .


2007 ?
hmm . i have 22 mins before i have to change everything to past-past tense .

2007's cool .
like any other years .

Calender of events :

1. well i landed my ass in JC , now THATS some massive shit . lol

2. i realised JC aint hard , at ALL ! its FLIPPIN hard !

3. okay , decent results for O's :D aint gonna be flamboyant here .

4. passed my VIOLIN Grade 8 !

4. had my primary school CO concert ! great event . met great peeps and friends .

5. screwed up my mid years .

6. and then the next 5 months was a flash .

7. screwed up my promos . but yea , i promoted , ironic aint that .

8. passed my ERHU dip !

9. im BLOGGING .

10. TODAY !

thats pretty much of this year .


by the way

i pleeeeeeeeeeeead you .

its for YOUR own good .


warning : dun't watch if you hate laughing . especially for 10 mins .

i spent the past 3 days laughing my ASS off .

check his entire series too . available on youtube .

especially his Peanut , and Walter puppets .

just search Jeff Dunham .


happyyyyyy new year to all .
and i really do hope everyone have a happy one ahead .

im gonna cheat abit on the post timing . vid is taking forever to upload .
and i gave up on it .

oh yea , and i STILL
have TONS
homework .

time : 1158
activity : blasting slipknot & chattin .
music : Circle - Slipknot
mood : great :D

bang the drums . hit the tyres . light the fire . boost the bass . spin the discs . turn the tables .
mix the jelly


] DJ LT [

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